N5222B PNA 微波网络分析仪
诚峻信电子仪器有限公司 总公司
联系人:曾先生13929260731 张女士:18122924682
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示波器 网络分析仪 综合测试仪 频谱分析仪 信号发生器 噪声系数分析仪 音频分析仪 数字万用表 程控电源 功率计 频率计 阻抗分析仪 视频分析 仪 函数信号发生器 LCR电子测试仪 电子负载 万用表校准仪 示波器校准 仪 高压机 接收/发射机 测量接收机 电缆/天线分析仪 调制度分析仪 蓝牙综测仪 GPIB卡等
keysight N5222B PNA-X 微波网络分析仪, 26.5 GHz
Meet your toughest measurement challenges with the highest performing microwave network analyzer in the industry
Measure S-parameters with the smallest uncertainty and highest stability
Efficiently characterize active components with applications that simplify setups
Meet your specific budget and measurement needs by customizing to just the right level of performance
Accelerate insight into component behavior using a multi-touch display and intuitive user interface
大频率 26.5 GHz
动态范围 127 dB
输出功率 13 dBm
轨迹噪声 0.002 dBrms
内置端口数量 2 or 4 ports
谐波 -21 dBc
本底噪声 -114 dBm
扫描速度高可达 201 个点 6.3 ms
网络分析仪系列 PNA High Performance
仪器类型 Vector Network Analyzer
Balance Measurements
Pulsed RF
Mixers/Frequency Converters
台式 是
Hardware options
N5222B-200 2 port, base hardware configuration
N5222B-201 2 port, with configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5222B-205 2 port, configurable test set, ref mixer switch, low frequency extension
N5222B-210 2-port with metrology configuration
N5222B-217 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators
N5222B-219 2-port, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5222B-400 4-port with second source
N5222B-401 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5222B-410 4-port with second source, metrology configuration
N5222B-417 4-port, 2nd source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators
N5222B-419 4-port, 2nd source, configurable test set, ref mixer switch, source/receiver attenuators, bias tees
Calibration documentation
N5222B-1A7 Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5222B-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5222B-UK6 Commercial calibration certificate with test data
Additional hardware capability
N5222B-020 Add IF inputs
N5222B-021 Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
N5222B-022 Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5222B-1CM Rack mount kit for installation without handles
N5222B-1CP Rack mount kit for installation with handles
N1966A 脉冲/IO 适配器
N6171A MATLAB 软件
S93089A 差分和 I/Q 器件测量
S930900A 频谱分析,高达 8.5 GHz
S930901A 频谱分析,高达 13.5 GHz
S930902A 频谱分析,高达 26.5 GHz
S93093A 频谱分析,高达 110 GHz
S93094A 频谱分析,超过 110 GHz
S93118A 快速连续波测量
S93460A 真实模式激励
S93551A 网络分析仪 N 端口校准测量
S93898A 内置性能测试软件
S93007A 自动夹具移除
S93010A 时域分析
S93015A S 参数测量动态不确定度
S93025A 基本脉冲射频测量
S93026A 先进的脉冲射频测量
S93029A 利用矢量校正进行噪声系数测量
S93080A 频偏测量
S93082A 标量混频器/转换器测量
S93083A 矢量和标量混频器/转换器测量
S93084A 嵌入式本振功能
S93086A 增益压缩测量
S93087A 互调失真测量
S93088A 信号源相位控制
S930909A 频谱分析,
高价回收 N5222B PNA 微波网络分析仪
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2024-12-07 刷新