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更新时间:2015-08-28 17:38:58 浏览次数:159次
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段落大意题也叫做“Heading”题,因为在题目中会出现“List of Heading”的字样。此题的特征如下:

段落大意题如果在某一篇文章的考题中出现,一定会出现在文章之前,即所谓的“文章未现,段意先行”,这样的安排在于:让考生在读文章之前,通过对每段话段意的阅读,对整篇文章有一个大概的了解。下面看选自剑桥真题7-Test 1的第二篇文章的真题:

Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-H.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A and C-H from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i      Scientists' call for a revision of policy
ii      An explanation for reduced water use
iii      How a global challenge was met
iv      Irrigation systems fall into disuse
V      Environmental effects
vi      The financial cost of recent technological improvements
vii      The relevance to health
viii      Addressing the concern over increasing populations
ix      A surprising downward trend in demand for water
x      The need to raise standards
xi      A description of ancient water supplies

14 Paragraph A
Example            Answer
Paragraph B      iii

15 Paragraph C
16 Paragraph D
17 Paragraph E
18 Paragraph F
19 Paragraph G
20 Paragraph H






剑桥真题7-Test 1的第二篇文章
G What explains this remarkable turn of events? Two factors: people have figured out how to use water more efficiently, and communities are rethinking their priorities for water use. Throughout the first three-quarters of the 20th century, the quantity of freshwater consumed per person doubled on average; in the USA, water withdrawals increased tenfold while the population quadrupled. But since 1980, the amount of water consumed per person has actually decreased, thanks to a range of new technologies that help to conserve water in homes and industry. In 1965, for instance, Japan used approximately 13 million gallons of water to produce $1 million of commercial output; by 1989 this had dropped to 3.5 million gallons (even accounting for inflation) - almost a quadrupling of water productivity. In the USA, water withdrawals have fallen by more than 20 % from their peak in 1980.

这段话的句话是非常明显的中心句,而与之相对应的段意是“ii An explanation for reduced water use”, 段意中“explanation”与段落中的“explain”词性转换;“reduced water use”对应段落中的“remarkable turn of events” (“events”指的是F段中所提及的“And in a few parts of the world, demand has actually fallen.”)。

H On the other hand, dams, aqueducts and other kinds of infrastructure will still have to be built, particularly in developing countries where basic human needs have not been met. But such projects must be built to higher specifications and with more accountability to local people and their environment than in the past. And even in regions where new projects seem warranted, we must find ways to meet demands with fewer resources, respecting ecological criteria and to a smaller budget.

这段话第二句的个词是“but”, 标志此句是这段话的中心句,而它在“List of Headings”中的对应选项是“x The need to raise standards”, 段意中“need”对应该文章段落中的“must”, “raise standards”与段落中的“higher specifications”是同义转换。


剑桥真题7- Test 1的第二篇文章
“iv Irrigation systems fall into disuse”与D段中的“Certain irrigation practices degrade soil quality and reduce agricultural productivity.” 相对应,但这句话在文章当中仅仅只是一个例子。

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